Golf Cart Sponsor:
Edward Jones Financial Advisors of Sanford, Maine 207-490-0414
Hole Sponsors:
Batchelder Brothers Insurance, Sanford, Maine.
Batchelder Sales, Inc. - Tractor Sales and Repair, Lebanon, Maine
Brian's Brake and Muffler, Lebanon, Maine
Fernandes and Sons Landscaping, Eliot, Maine - Landscaping services, stone walls Ph: 207-748-0008
Southern Maine Tool and Equipment Rental, Lebanon, Maine
STS Construction, Lebanon, Maine
Hole sponsorship is $550 for the first year and $500 for the 2nd year and beyond. We provide the professionally painted sign. We have a few hole sponsorships available. Give us a call at 207.457.2380 for more information. Golf cart sponsorships are available for $250 year.
Give us a call at 207.457.2380 if you would like to learn more about becoming a sponsor.